On April 11, 1898, Paul Laurence Dunbar wrote an IOU to Henry A. Tobey, promising to pay back $215 within one year. Dr. Tobey was superintendent of the Toledo State Hospital and one of Paul's earliest supporters.
Washington D. C. Apr. 11th 1898
One year after date, I promise to pay to Dr. H. A. Tobey on order, the sum of Two Hundred and Fifteen Dollars (215.00), for value received.
Paul Laurence Dunbar
IOU to Dr. Henry A. Tobey, April 11, 1898. Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers, Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, Wright State University (Dayton, Ohio). SC-8, Item 6.
"IOU for 215.00 by Dunbar" (1898). Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers (SC-8). 6.
Courtesy of Special Collections and Archives, Wright State University.
This loan occurred about a month after Paul married Alice Ruth Moore. At first, they continued to live apart as Alice taught school in Brooklyn and Paul worked at the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C. Paul faced many expenses as he prepared his home for Alice's arrival.
Dear, my whole heart is yearning toward you. I want my wife with me. In preparation for my expected happiness, I have been looking at some bedroom furniture. I have seen a bird's eye maple dresser and washstand for you, the two for $70.00. Shall I get them? They are really beauties, though high.
Paul Laurence Dunbar to Alice Moore Dunbar, March 13, 1898. Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers, Ohio History Connection (Microfilm edition, Roll 8).
Husband mine, I feel so ridiculously happy and so very much in love with you tonight. So you would be extravagant and buy those expensive things? Now suppose we have to starve all summer and I have to take in scrubbing?
Alice Moore Dunbar to Paul Laurence Dunbar, March 26, 1898. Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers, Ohio History Connection (Microfilm edition, Roll 8).
Paul's financial records from the Capital Savings Bank in Washington show that he wrote at least two checks to Dr. Tobey after signing the IOU.
June 21st, 1898
Pay to Dr. H. A. Tobey
$25.00Check to Dr. Henry A. Tobey, June 21, 1898. Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers, Ohio History Connection (Microfilm edition, Roll 2).
Dec. 11th, 1900
Pay to H. A. Tobey
$50.00Check to Dr. Henry A. Tobey, December 11, 1900. Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers, Ohio History Connection (Microfilm edition, Roll 2).
Paul and Alice separated permanently in January 1902, and he lived for a while in New York and Chicago, supporting himself and his mother. During this period, Paul again turned to Dr. Tobey for money.
Postal Telegraph Cable Company
Toledo, O - Nov. 19, 1902Received from H. A. Tobey
One Hundred DollarsTo be placed by telegraph to the credit of Paul L. Dunbar
Wire transfer from Dr. Henry A. Tobey, November 19, 1902. Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers, Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, Wright State University (Dayton, Ohio). SC-8, Item 5.
"Receipt for advancement of $100.00 to Dunbar" (1902). Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers (SC-8). 5.
Courtesy of Special Collections and Archives, Wright State University.
The Western Union Telegraph Company
Toledo, Ohio Dec. 15, 1903
Received of H. A. Tobey
One hundred dollarsTo be paid to Paul L. Dunbar
Wire transfer from Dr. Henry A. Tobey, December 15, 1903. Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers, Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, Wright State University (Dayton, Ohio). SC-8, Item 4.
"Receipt for $100.00 Telegraph to Dunbar" (1903). Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers (SC-8). 4.
Courtesy of Special Collections and Archives, Wright State University.